Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Trip To Whangamata

In the holidays my family and I took a trip to Whangamata. The reason why we had to go there was to see our nephew because it was his birthday.

On our way to Whangamata , in one part we got up to a bridge called One Way Bridge, but we didn't cross the bridge as soon as we got there.For two hours we had to wait in the longest line I have ever seen. In the line there were over ninety cars waiting in line. Then we finally got to the bridge. While we crossed the bridge I could see a dirty river under the bridge flowing.

After we crossed the bridge we got to a little town. The town had only a few people. When we crossed the town we had to go a round a mountain, then another mountain. The roads on the mountain were very skinny and there were heaps of edges.

After the two mountains we finally got to Whangamata.

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