Monday, November 23, 2009

Camp Bentzon

One of my highlight for the camp at Kawau island for year 6 2009, Camp Bentzon was Mr Coop's food. Every day he would bake a whole lot of buns. It would be nice and hot , freshly baked and its taste would be yum . My favourite food that was made by Mr Coop was very delicous and it was Lasagne. For lunch we would have Hot dogs or Burgers.

At Camp Bentzon there are 4  groups . The 4 groups are called different names like Katz, Kawau, Bentzon and Mansion. In the groups there are A's and B's , Katz A & Katz B, Kawau A & Kawau B, Bentzon A & Bentzon B, Mansion A & Mansion B.The team I was in was Kawau B.