This term was awesome. Heaps of fascinating, exciting and interesting occasions have happened this term. Such as immersion rotation, science roadshow, glee club, maths rotation, soccer,
tamaki tech,
taonga time, swimming and so much more. I have been in a few of these events which are I am Making movies 2, swimming, soccer and a few others.
One of my highlights for this term was
taonga time. My group for
taonga time was in Mrs
Nua’s class. In her class we were learning
mihi’s at first. But after learning a few lines in the
mihi we were learning how to count from one to ten in Japanese. Everyone enjoyed their time and had a blast while learning how to count. The week after that Mrs
Nua gave us a few questions about Japan for us to answer. It was very interesting. Something I found out about their
culture was that there are special slippers for restroom usage. I found that amusing. The last time we had
taonga time, Mrs
Nua’s sister (Mrs London) came and taught us more about Japan. She wrote everyone’s name in Japanese. Mrs London also taught us how to use chop sticks. It was fun because we had to practise using the gummy bear lollies. I had a blast in this
taonga time rotation and I’m sure everyone else enjoyed it too.
Another one of my highlights is the I am Making Movies 2 occasion. This was a competition. In this we won the award for our category. We were excited and also surprised because we thought that our movie looked like it was rushed. But after all the other awards were given out, they announced the Supreme award. Our group won it. Our teachers were proud of us.
So once again this term was awesome. I’m sure that we will have more fun next term and learn lots more.