On Wednesday the 5th of August at 9'am the extension group had a video conference with Hamish Campbell and also Diana-Grace. Hamish Campbell is a very famous Geologists in New Zealand. The reason for this conference is for us to learn about the Fiordland earthquake and more.
Hamish taught us a lot of interesting facts. There are a few that I remember. He told us that there are 2 kinds of plates called the "Pacific Plate " and " Australian Plate ". The earthquake was called Dusky Sound.
He explained to us how the earthquake happened. The 2 plates hit each other and pushed against the other one. It was meant to crash but instead the Pacific plate slid 5 meters under. The earthquake lasted for only 30 seconds.
He also told us about the earthquake that happened in 1976 in Tangshan, China. It only lasted for 15 seconds and was very huge. There was a big amount of people that had died during the earthquake. 242,000 people had died in a building.
Thanks to Diana-Grace and Hamish Campbell for sharing very interesting facts about the Fiordland earthquake and also thanks to Te Papa museum.